Author: jnmoffa


Where Did the Time Go?

Wow, so much has happened since the Allen Stone debacle, I don’t know where to begin. I had big plans for this website this year, including but not limited to a chronicle of all the shows I was going to see and all the trips I was going to take. Four months later, and most […]


How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock

America, you’ve become complacent. Complacent with mediocre food packed with high sodium, high calories, and low nutrition. It pains me. Every time I see someone pull out a frozen meal from the freezer at work, I die a little. I understand the convenience of pre-made food. Really, I do. I even partake on occasion, when […]


The Ultimate ACL Packing List

It’s festival season! You’ve got your wristband, your outfits are planned, you’ve worked out your schedule. But it’s the day of the festival and you’re staring at your backpack wondering, well, what do I bring with me? The answer is, “only what you need.” You don’t want to lug a bunch of crap around with […]


The Ins and Outs of Music Festivals

ACL is T-minus one day and I couldn’t be more excited. The lineup this year is fantastic and I’ve already started to prepare myself so I’m ready for Friday. Seeing Paul McCartney, no matter how far away I end up being, is going to be a significant moment in my life. After 8 years in […]